Monday, May 23, 2011

In Praise of Tofu

My main sources of sustenance are low fat proteins, vegetables and fat free dairy.  One thing I have noticed is a lack of... something.  I can't put my finger on it.  Is it a texture?  A taste?  Does it subtract from that full feeling I want to have at the end of a meal?  I don't know.  What I do know is that some of that freaky, elusive feeling is mitigated with TOFU NOODLES.  Yes, tofu.

There has been a lot of scary stuff on the internet lately about how bad OD-ing on soy is.  My thoughts are... it is bad to OD on anything.  All things in moderation.  Besides, a couple billion Chinese and Japanese have been eating tofu for a few thousand years and culturally, they are some of the healthiest people on Earth.  A couple billion people can't be wrong (okay, I guess they can be but I am just rolling with it.)  Anyway, I know other folks have been using this stuff so it might not be a surprise to some people.  My personal new and fantastic discovery is the Shirataki noodle.

Shirataki noodles are made from tofu.  Here is some information right off the House Foods web page (House Foods makes the brand I like best).  I recommend giving them a try.  They don't bake very well (don't make a baked pasta dish because they don't absorb liquid like a wheat based noodle would... the dish ends up being very liquid-y).  They work great in soups, as a base for spaghetti sauce or a stir fry.  I made a jambalaya type soup using Shirataki instead of rice and it was delicious and filling.
    1. Spaghetti
    2. Fettuccine
    3. Angel-Hair
  • LOW CARB - only 3g of carbs per serving
  • LOW CALORIE - 20 calories per 4 oz serving

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